Our professional, caring and qualified team provides the four overarching principles of the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage: A unique child, positive relationships, enabling environments, learning and development.


Our Curriculum 

Our curriculum is based on the EYFS learning and development requirements. Our current Curriculum Focus since the pandemic and due to our high number of EAL children is PSED particularly children’s Wellbeing and also C&L, we have introduced the Thrive Approach and Early Talk Boost programme to support this. 

We have also adopted a specialist pedological approach, The Curiosity Approach, which is based on child-led learning.  

It is our INTENT to create children who are thinkers and doers who make their own choices, building confidence, critical thinking and problem solving skills.  

How we implement our curriculum  

Our environment covers all 7 areas of learning, with open ended natural resources, we allow children to be the leaders of their own learning.  Our practitioners use their in depth knowledge of their key children, with the 3 I’s at the forefront of their minds when setting up invitations to play focusing on what children need to know next. 

Through the use of open-ended questions and teachable moments, practitioners extend children’s learning ‘in the moment’. 

How do we know the impact of our curriculum? 

Before children join the setting, we gather information from the parents which gives us a holistic view of the child before they start.  

Through consistent progress and development updates with parents, we are able to have an understanding of what children ‘know and can do’, ensuring they reach their own individual full potential for the next stage in their learning journey. 

Children develop quickly in the early years and a
child’s experiences between birth and age five have
a major impact on their future life chances