We provide a high quality standard of care and education delivered by our professional and qualified team in an inclusive setting. We value equality, diversity and supporting each child’s individual developmental needs.


Our Setting

St Mary’s Nursery is well established and has been providing early year’s education to the local community for many years. First registered in 1992 based in the church centre, and then relocating in 2018 to a purpose built eco-building in the beautiful parkland of Watchetts Recreation Ground.

We are so fortunate to have an extensive outdoor space where we have created a nature club and specific learning areas including a log cabin.

As a registered charity, we have a board of Trustees. The Chair is the Vicar of St Mary’s Church, alongside parents of the nursery and church members.

We are an inclusive setting, embracing families from all cultures, religions and backgrounds with a Christian ethos. We work in partnership with our families, local schools, family centre and other agencies.

We have defined our approach by continuously reflecting on our provision, adapting and evolving our setting ensuring we always meet the needs of the children, this has become deeply embedded in our culture.

Fees and Funding

We aim to be as flexible as possible to suit the needs of the children and families who attend our Nursery.  We offer FEET funding, the 15 hours Free Early Years Entitlement and Extended 30 hours.  If you wish for your child to attend more than the funded hours then the standard session fees will apply for all extra sessions. For more information please follow the link below:

Childcare Choices | 30 Hours Free Childcare, Tax-Free Childcare and More | Help with Costs | GOV.UK

Session Fees:
Full Day    £45.00
Morning or afternoon session £22.50

Admissions and Session Times 

We have two learning environments, Acorns for our younger children 2-3 years and Oaks our older children 3-4 years. Acorns have a maximum capacity of 8 children per session and Oaks a maximum of 32 children per session.

Places are offered on a first come first served basis. We require a £40.00 non-refundable deposit with your completed registration form.

We are open Monday to Friday:
Morning session - 8.45am to 11.45am
Afternoon session - 11.45am to 2.45pm
Full day - 8.45am to 2.45pm

The Nursery is open during term time only, therefore a maximum of 38 weeks a year.

Children develop quickly in the early years and a
child’s experiences between birth and age five have
a major impact on their future life chances